Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics

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Behavioural Finance Dissertation Topics

Behavioural finance is a unique branch of finance and very few people actually choose to pursue a career in it. Mainly, it aims to define how decision-makers make financial decisions on the basis of real-life events. It also defines why every decision may not look to be sensible and lead to unpredictable outcomes. However, as it is a rare field of finance, writing a final-year research task becomes daunting for students. It is a crucial drawback of studying behavioural science. Even many students need to hire expert finance dissertation help to deal with their research tasks.

Luckily, this article can make your behavioural finance dissertation convenient by offering sensible topics. Remember, a good topic can reduce half of the difficulty of writing a final-year research task in behavioural finance. So read the rest of the blog carefully to get research topic ideas and save yourself from hiring online research help services.

The Top Behavioural Finance Research Topics

Pursuing a degree in behavioural finance can make you a futurist or business decision-maker. You can live a luxurious life if you complete your degree program with high scores, especially in the final year research task. Why? Because it shows the employers that you are keen and knowledgeable about your field.

Securing high scores in behavioural finance research tasks is not a piece of cake due to the rarity of topics. Anyhow, you do not have to worry much about this problem because you will get many ideal research topic ideas from this blog. Let’s help you by providing you with a list of the top behavioural finance research topics.

  • How behavioural factors affect investment decision making
  • An investigative study on herd behaviour in the financial market?
  • Behavioural finance is a key to eliminating greed in financial markets
  • What role do genders play in behavioural financial decision-making?
  • Will behavioural finance take over traditional finance in the future?
  • Remittance and monetary value: Compare and contrast
  • How quantitative behavioural finance can maximize the profit of a business?
  • Effective utilization of the behavioural finance and logical thinking in making the necessary decisions to succeed in the business world
  • The significance of behavioural finance and empirical knowledge in the business market
  • What is the decision theory of behavioural finance, and how to applied in small to medium-scale businesses?
  • Game theory in behavioural finance: Its role and application in the market of supply and demand

Trendy Behavioural Finance Research Topics

Perhaps you want to present something trendy to impress your supervisors. In such a case, here are a bunch of trendy behavioural finance research topic ideas that can help you.

  • The role of artificial intelligence in behavior finance
  • The effects of digital currency and digital payments on behavioural finance
  • The origin of artificial intelligence in decision-making: How it made many behavioural finance experts jobless?
  • How behavioural model can help explain the calculation of volatility
  • How the knowledge of behavioural finance can help people make personal financial decisions
  • The usage of behavioural finance theories to examine investment decisions
  • Is there no future for behavioural finance due to artificial intelligence and other technologies?
  • How has technology changed financial decision-making from the perspective of behavioural finance?
  • The problems decision-makers are facing in the modern world
  • The long-term effects of covid-19 on the business world and how decision-makers deal with them
  • An investigative study on improving decision-making through behavioural finance
  • Bank loan defaults: A detailed study
  • What marketing integrity theory explains and its role in behavioural finance
  • Behavioural finance and thermal economics: Compare, contrast, and their relationship
  • What causes an economic crisis in the eye of bevioural finance?
  • Exploratory research on behavioural decision-making in financial markets
  • How behavioural finance knowledge can save small and medium-scale businesses from possible risks?
  • The history of behavioural finance and how technology changed it over a period of time
  • Challenges behavioural finance experts face across different traditions and religions
  • Is behavioural financial decision-making beneficial in the modern world?

Interesting Behavioural Finance Research Topics

If you need some interesting ideas for your behavioural finance research, the above section may not suit you. However, here is a list of interesting topics that can catch your eye.

  • What is the public choice theory in behavioural finance: Its role and application in the modern business world
  • Why behavioural finance is the finest approach for decision making: An explanatory research
  • The importance of behavioural finance psychology in business decision-making
  • How quantitative behavioural finance can help business owners identify the authenticity of data?
  • The conventional methods of behavioural finance for the thriving business creation results: An informative study
  • The gaps in theories of behavioural finance and how to fill them according to the modern world
  • The neglected theories of behavioural finance that may actually benefit the business world
  • An investigative study on the behavioural Analytics theory: Discussing real and Hypothetical Examples
  • How crucial business decision-making is to make it survive in the long run
  • The risks behavioural finance experts face making vital decisions for a business
  • How a group of behavioural finance experts can offer better decision-making advice to a business than an individual?
  • Behavioural finance VS market efficiency domains: A compare and contrast study with real-life examples
  • Experimental economics VS behavioural finance: Which one focuses better on developmental trends?
  • How does behavioural finance work in developing vs developed countries globally?
  • The concept of bringing behavioural finance to secondary school life to help students make better financial decisions for themselves
  • The conflict of data with behavioural finance: A systematic investigation
  • The link between behavioural finance and experimental macroeconomics
  • What is the Black-Litterman model, and how behavioral finance can help businesses to implement it?
  • The theory of behavioural corporate finance: A critical analysis
  • How Covid-19 Affected the domains of Market Efficiency and behavioral finance: An Explanatory research
  • The effects of having a financial advisor on the investment style: An investigative study


An ideal topic is all you need to compose a winning behavioural finance research and impress your supervisors. We believe you get many excellent research topic ideas from this blog. Hopefully, you will not need to hire write my dissertation for UK services like other students.

By | 2024-05-23T05:53:45+00:00 December 15th, 2022|Dissertation Topics|0 Comments

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